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Aircraft & Helicopters

Purchasing or selling aircraft in Melbourne involves navigating specialized legal considerations and regulatory requirements.

Investing in a private jet can be a complex process, with domestic and international laws adding layers of complexity that can affect your personal and business liabilities. Our experienced legal team at Bentleys is well-versed in these laws and ready to guide you through the sale and purchase process, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience for our clients.


When it comes to purchasing a private aircraft, Bentleys offers a comprehensive range of services to assist you at every step of the process ,ensuring a hassle-free experience for you.


We can assist with:

  - Identifying the best financing method for your aircraft, such as Finance and Operating Leasing, loans secured by a mortgage, pre-delivery payment financing, or joint venture platforms for group ownership.

   - Determining the most suitable ownership structure for you or your business, including sole ownership, ownership through a limited liability company, ownership through a trust, or joint venture platforms for group ownership.

   - Understanding warranty and insurance obligations.

   - Ensuring the aircraft complies with all relevant Civil Aviation Safety Authority rules.

   - Providing details on airport landing regulations, fees, and taxes.


If you plan on selling a privately owned aircraft, here is how we can assist you:

   - Gathering and reviewing a comprehensive bundle of sale documents.

   - Drafting a sales contract with necessary warranties regarding the asset's condition at the time of sale.

   - Procuring a Certificate of Airworthiness.

   - After the transactions have been completed, we will handle the process of notifying the relevant authorities that the aircraft has been transferred.


For further information, please contact our office to speak with one of our solicitors.

What we cover

Our Expertise in

Aircraft & Helicopters

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